Mid West Lime were successful in winning a tender for this project which involved minor conservation work coupled with light civil engineering works. We were appointed PSCS for this project. There was a section of the old Limerick City Wall which was in danger of collapse. The options that were explored to save this section of wall was, to dismantle the wall stone by stone and reassemble or to prop the section of wall with gabion baskets. The disadvantage to the first option was the historic fabric to the rear of the wall that formed the rampart had as much historic value as the wall itself. It was decided that the baskets should be installed.
The wall in this area had been vandalised with sections of masonry being removed. We had to repair the damaged sections of masonry in this contract.
The scope of work involved excavating under the supervision of an archaeologist, excavating to the reduced depth, filling and compaction in layers and shuttering and pouring a reinforced concrete base. Gabion baskets were then placed in position and tied. They were then filled in layers and tied as the levels rose. A wall of 3m was built to retain the bulging wall in position.
Client: Limerick City and County Council
PSDP: Architectural Conservation Professionals, Cappamore, Co. Limerick
PSCS: Mid West Lime Ltd